Η ιστορία του τίποτα
Ν. Λυγερός
Όταν οι δικοί μας ήταν θαμμένοι
όρθιοι μέσα στο χώμα μας,
τι έλεγαν οι ουδέτεροι;
Όταν οι δικοί μας ήταν θύματα
αθώα μέσα στη χώρα μας,
τι έκαναν οι ουδέτεροι;
Όταν οι δικοί μας ήταν θανάσιμα
πληγωμένοι με τα χέρια μας,
τι έγραψαν οι ουδέτεροι;
Όταν ξέρεις την ιστορία του τίποτα
και μόνο αυτήν,
τι μπορείς να διδάξεις;
The history of nothing
N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Evi Charitidou
When our own were buried
upright in our soil,
what were the neutrals saying?
When our own were the victims
innocent in our land,
what did the neutrals do?
When our own were mortally
wounded by our hands
what did the neutrals write?
When you know the history of nothing
and only that
what can you teach?
upright in our soil,
what were the neutrals saying?
When our own were the victims
innocent in our land,
what did the neutrals do?
When our own were mortally
wounded by our hands
what did the neutrals write?
When you know the history of nothing
and only that
what can you teach?